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Teller Warns Israel of Over-reliance on U.S. Weapons

June 5, 1978
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Prof. Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb, said today that it was high time Israel stopped relying excessively on other nations, particularly the U.S., for defense equipment. In a radio interview here, the American physicist said he believed the U.S. would continue its “positive attitude toward the supply of Israel with war materials.” He warned at the same time that it is also possible that “the Americans may be in a position that they will not be able to supply materials to Israel” at some time in the future because of the changing nature of the U.S.-Soviet power struggle.

Teller is in Israel to attend a meeting of the Tel Aviv University Board of Governors. He will receive the Herzl Prize award from the B’nai Herzl Association, a cultural association of Jews from Hungary, which was Teller’s country of birth.

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