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The Jewish Forum

September 17, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

a most important link with Jews in different parts of the world

An organ of Jewish interest that aims “to disseminate Jewish ideals, inculcate the principles of traditional Judaism and cultivate a taste for Jewish learning,”

As Mr. Hitler’s administration is destroying Jewish books and periodicals, loyal Jews will help enlarge the influence of the Jewish Forum and add to its strength by additional subscriptions, as an offset to that vicious program of destruction.

Among the substantial contributors to this magazine have been such outstanding personalities as Israel Zangwill, Stephen Lauzanne, Flora Bassoon, Dr. Nima H. Adlerblum, Rev. Dr. Moses Hyamson, Rev. Dr. David de Sola Pool, Dr. David I. Macht, Elkan N. Adler, Hacham, Dr. Moses Gaster, Prof. Edward Koenig, Prof. James A. Montgomery, Stefan Zweig, Rev. Dr. Leo Jung, Prof. Selig Brodetsky, Jacob de Haas, Julius H. Greenstone, Pierre Van Paassen, Jessie E. Sampter, Dr. Isaac Herzog, Dr. J. L. Magnes, Georg Brandes, Edwin Markham, Dr. W. M. Feldman, Peter Wiernik, Max J. Kohler, Leon Huhner, Paul Goodman, Dr. Meyer Wax man and a host of other scholars.

Beginning as early as June, 1931, the Jewish Forum published a complete and authoritative series of articles calling attention to conditions in Germany and the impending Hitler danger. It is not sufficient to have items of information, however many. The interpretation of facts in their true relationship so that they give a picture of the whole truth, is most important. These complete views the Jewish Forum aims to give on all subjects.

The Jewish Forum took a leading part in the movement against the proposed calendar reform. (Literature is available, showing the important phases of this question, considered by 41 nations at Geneva),

It has made valuable contributions to the study of the problems of Jewish education, kashruth, Eretz Yisrael, youth organization, and ever so many problems vital to Jewish welfare.

The Jewish Forum has been edited for fifteen years by Isaac Rosengarten.

The Jewish Forum published “AKIBA” by Marcus Lehmann, a work that has intensified the Jewish spirit among old and young alike. It has also rendered an important service to the interpretation of the spirit of all Jewish .holidays by publishing Nima H. Adlerblum’s “A Perspective of Jewish Life through Its Festivals.”

Subscription rates—$4.00 per year; $10.00 for three years; $15.00 for five years

Single copies—35 cents

The Jewish Forum

363 Seventh Avenue

New York City

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