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The Reader’s Forum

May 29, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

To the Editor,

Your issue of Thursday, May 17, 1934, has just been brought to my attention in which there appears a statement concerning the Vegetarian Society of New York on page two, column two, that our “organization is understood to be a relentless crusader against the cruelties allegedly imposed upon poultry in kosher slaughtering.”

On behalf of the Vegetarian Society, please permit me to submit the following statement for publication in your paper at as early a date as possible for the edification of your readers who may be uncertain as to our position in the matter of slaughter.

The Vegetarian Society of New York is unequivocally opposed to all slaughter of all sentient creatures, which precludes our preference for one form of slaughter against another.

A petition for the employment of “humane” slaughter in the Chicago stockyards was presented by the International Humane League to our Society in December, 1933, for signatures, but the petition was rejected unanimously by our members in meeting assembled on the seventh of that month, with the statement that we were opposed to all slaughter, whether so-called “humane” or “inhumane.” The petition was later represented to us with satisfactory changes and we gladly secured signatures.

We have on several occasions sought the cooperation of the Kashruth Association of Greater New York in compiling a list of prepared food products free from animal ingredients, for the reason that many of our members wish to abstain from the use of animal foods because of spiritual, ethical, moral, aesthetical, humanitarian or health reasons.

I trust that this letter has made our position clear, which I wish to fortify by stating the aim of the Vegetarian Society:

“The aim of the Vegetarian Society of New York is to unite in acquaintance and friendship men and women who are vegetarians, namely, who do not use fish, flesh or fowl for food, either from spiritual, ethical, moral, aesthetical, humanitarian or health reasons; so that by the strength of their union the society may promote the ideal and increase the practice of a non-slaughter dietary for mankind.”

May I ask that you print the address of our society so that any of your interested readers may get in touch with us direct, if they so desire.

Kathryn Ashbrook


The Vegetarian Society of New York,

127 West Seventy-second Street

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