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Thirty Jews Arrested in Palestine in Intensified Police and Military Searches

April 7, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Combined military and police forces today combed the entire area of Tel Aviv-Petach Tikwah-Rehovoth-Rishon L’Zion in a search for terrorists. Military road blocks halted all buses and compelled passengers to alight, objecting them to search and interrogation. Ten Jews were arrested near Tel Aviv and twenty in Rehovoth, as a result of the renewed military activities.

Funeral services were held today in Kfar Warburg for the unidentified Jew who as killed near Ashdod this week during attacks on Palestine railroad installations in serious parts of the country. He was buried under the name Abraham Ben-Abraham.

The Arab press reports today that Arab guards at the Ashod railway station did not put up any resistance because the Jewish attackers told them that they would not be harmed and warned them to leave the station immediately because an explosion as expected. After the explosion, the attackers extended first aid to the wounded Arabs, taking them in buses to the Jewish settlement of Ness Ziona where they left the cases and disappeared.

Eugon Levi, 18, one of the visaless refugees captured last week on the “Tel Hai,” and who was due to be released today, died last night at the Athlit clearance camp.

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