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Women and Religious Groups Factors in Delegalizing War, Says Levinson

April 2, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The influence of women’s organizations and religious bodies aided greatly in the movement to de-legalize war, declared Salmon O. Levinson, Chicago attorney, speaking at a dinner given him last night at Sinai Congregation to honor him for his part in the movement to outlaw war. Senator William E. Borah, next to former Secretary Kellogg, was the strongest individual force in the movement, Mr. Levinson declared.

The banquet was tendered Mr. Levinson at the Congress Hotel by the Chicago Sinai Congregation, of which he is a member, and the congregation sisterhood. Nearly one thousand persons, members of the congregation and guests, attended. Dr. Louis L. Mann presided.

Among the speakers who praised Mr. Levinson for his role in fostering the plan for the Kellogg peace treaty were Judge Florence Allen of the Ohio Supreme Court, Dr. Charles Clayton Morrisson, editor of the “Christian Century,” and Harrison Brown, English publicist and pacifist leader.

By preventing his treaty to outlaw war from becoming an issue in the Hoover-Smith campaign, Secretary of State Kellogg sagaciously saved the treaty ratification from probable defeat in the Senate. Mr. Levinson declared. Had the treaty question gone to a popular referendum in the presidential election, its chances in the Senate would have been slim, he said.

“Mr. Kellogg showed himself to be a great statesman in three respects. He refused to compromise on any modifications, his diplomacy was in the open, and he kept the treaty out of the campaign, thereby assuring enough Democratic votes in the Senate to put it over without a change,” Mr. Levinson declared.

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