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Jewish Women Leaders Endorse Bill for Federal Education Department

January 28, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Special provision for the education and Americanization of immigrants was featured in the framing of the budget for 1927 of the National Council of Jewish Women as provided for by the board of managers of the organization at the second day’s session of its annual meeting at the Hotel Commodore. Mrs. Joseph E. Friend presided.

A resolution endorsing the Curtis-Reed bill, which provides for an additional member of the Presidential cabinet for the supervision of a Federal Department of Education, with special provision for the immigrants, was unanimously endorsed.

It was announced that the tri-annual meeting of the organization in 1929 will be held in Los Angeles, Cal.

A resolution disapproving the production of undesirable plays was adopted on Wednesday at the seventh annual convention of the Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations at the Hotel Astor after Mrs. Samuel Gropper, chairman of the convention floor committee, urged a policy of walking out on salacious productions.

The Federation went on record favoring the establishment of a law to increase the legal age of marriage of girls from fourteen to sixteen years, of a mandatory legislative act for the service of women jurors on the same terms as men, and for the renewal of the Sheppard-Towner Act for infancy and material welfare. Resolutions presenting these matters for consideration to the seventh annual convention of the organization, were offered by Mrs. Isaac Kubie, second vice-president of the organization. Another resolution presented by Mrs. Moses Hyamson asking for endorsement of the movement for universal observation of the five-day week in all industries, was deferred for consideration to the meeting of the organization in February.

The following officers were installed: Mrs. D. N. Goldfarb, president: Mrs. M. L. Levenson, honorary president; Mrs. H. Bodenheimer, Mrs. I. Kubie, Mrs. A. L. Bretzfelder, vice-presidents; Mrs. A. J. Davidson, treasurer; Mrs. S. Levin, corresponding sec’y; Miss. C. Wise, recording sec’y. Mrs. B. Leer burger and Mrs. M. Jacoby were elected to the executive board.

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