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Nation’s Leaders Hail Bulletin’s Decade of Public Service

October 21, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

I am taking the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Jewish Daily Bulletin to congratulate you on its success.

In its tenth year, the emergence of The Bulletin as a daily coincided with the desperate need of World Jewry to realize and to face its problems. The greatest hope for a solution of the Jewish problem, wherever it exists, lies in the widespread and accurate knowledge of its existence. To many of us, The Bulletin is our only authentic source of information.

The rapidly increasing circulation of The Bulletin is a gauge of the deepening interest of the Jews in their own affairs. And I am convinced that out of that interest will come the coordinated effort so tragically necessary today.

Dorothy Schiff Backer.


The Jewish Daily Bulletin is filling a decided gap in American journalism. Its unbiased reports give much needed information.

During its ten years of existence it has developed into a factor of enlightenment.

My heartiest wishes for continued success.

Theodore Badman.


I want to congratulate you on your ten years of service to American Jewry. It is of special importance at this time to have a reliable agency which gathers information and makes it accessible.

The Jewish Daily Bulletin serves a great need.

Fanny Brin.


The past ten years of your life, during which you have been rendering tremendously useful service, have been years of pain and sorrow, years of chagrin and disappointment to world Israel. Yours was the unhappy task of keeping us and the world at large informed of the events that have come to pass from day to day; one is tempted to say, from hour to hour. This you have done with knowledge, with understanding and under extremely trying circumstances. May it be given to you in the future to be the harbinger of brighter and more cheerful tidings about our people and mankind generally.

Jacob Billikopf.


The Jewish Daily Bulletin has become part of my daily official life. I look to it for information concerning the Jew wherever he may be in numbers great and small, and almost invariably the information is authentic. Unfortunately in these times there is much sadness in what The Bulletin contains, but that adds to its importance because with knowledge of our coreligionists’ misfortunes we may be able to in some measure alleviate them. In my work as president of B’nai B’rith I find the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the parent of the Jewish Daily Bulletin, very useful. Frequently word comes to me from a distant part of the world of conditions affecting a remnant of the Jewish people. In such a section in an earlier day, an added word from an independent source on such a situation was almost beyond our reach. Not so with the facilities of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency at my disposal. It branches out to the furthermost parts of the world and through its correspondents I can almost immediately learn whether the word that has come to me is true or false.

I congratulate the Jewish Daily Bulletin on attaining its tenth anniversary.

Alfred M. Cohen.


It is not so much the ten years that have passed since the inception of the Jewish Daily Bulletin that is to be commemorated, but rather the service rendered, by your worthy periodical in those very trying years that we are to commemorate today.

Yours is a service that is outstanding in the prompt and correct information of the daily happenings as they affect the Jewish people all over the world, and, in the dissemination of correct and timely information you are rendering an invaluable service, beneficial to all our people.

Please accept my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for your continued success.

James Davis.


May I extend felicitations to the Jewish Daily Bulletin on the attainment of ten years of unique service to the Jewish community. Since its founding it has served as the sole purveyor of Jewish news in English on a daily basis for the Jewish community in the United States. Its monopoly in the field imposes a responsibility which cannot lightly be dismissed.

In congratulating the publisher on this anniversary, may I hope that the sphere of influence of the Jewish Daily Bulletin will expand in the same ratio as its service to the best interests of the community increases.

Bernard S. Deutsch.


I am glad of this opportunity to send you my congratulations on the tenth anniversary of the appearance of the Jewish Daily Bulletin.

The spread of enlightenment and the dissemination of facts relative to the Jews are ideals that cannot be too highly valued. Your service to these ideals has earned you a debt of gratitude.

Abram I. Elkus.


Let me congratulate the Jewish Daily Bulletin on entering the second decade of its existence. The first decade has proved its usefulness to world Jewry and shown its potentialities for the future. It has brought world Jewry within a workable orbit in which it can visualize every angle of Jewish life, stand confronted with its own weaknesses and better realize its own powers. It has been a considerable force in strengthening Jewish consciousness and creditably fulfilled its dual purpose of disseminating Jewish information for the enlightenment of both Jews and non-Jews and of moulding Jewish opinion.

I trust that The Bulletin will grow in its ability to accept further and greater responsibilities and be, in the long run, the medium for uniting Jewry both for its own good and the common weal.

A. J. Freiman.


I have found the Jewish Daily Bulletin a reliable source of information for Jews and about all the interests affecting Jewish welfare. Through it, I have developed a feeling of closer contact with my Jewish brothers and sisters throughout the world. We can all understand each other better and we can come to the members of our own community and plead the cause of suffering Jewry armed with the true facts, sad as they sometimes are.

The Jewish National Home has also been brought closer to us by our day-to-day contact with its life as The Bulletin recounts it to us. The Bulletin brings that Jewish atmosphere into the home that is so sadly lacking in America today. We can only hope that Jewish parents will begin to realize how essential it is to add a newspaper of Jewish interest to those that come into the home every day and enlighten us about everything under the sun excepting our life as Jews.

I wish The Bulletin all success.

Mrs. A. J. Freiman.


I wish to extend to you, on my own behalf, as well as on behalf of the Mizrachi Organization of America and Canada, our congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Jewish Daily Bulletin.

In my opinion, the Jewish Daily Bulletin serves a very noble cause, bringing to the American Jew who is unable to read Jewish newspapers printed in Yiddish character, the news relating to our scattered brethren all over the Diaspora, as well as from the land of Israel. The Jewish Daily Bulletin has adopted a very fine policy. It is absolutely impartial, and is only interested in conveying the truth about everything that happens in Jewish life.

We wish you great success in the future, that you may serve our people for many years to come.

Rabbi Wolf Gold.


I congratulate you upon the tenth anniversary of the publication of The Bulletin. My hope is that as the years go on you will have less and less to publish of untoward happenings to Jewry and more of the things that can stir our pride, joy and the will to carry on nobly and usefully.

Rabbi S. H. Goldenson.


The need for the Jewish Daily Bulletin, which a decade ago was visualized only by its far-sighted founders, is today patent to every sensitive observer of the Jewish scene. In a period fraught with epoch-making changes in Jewish life all over the world, and particularly in Germany and Palestine, which are the two focal points of the destructive and constructive developments respectively in contemporary Jewish life, it is of the highest importance both for the Jew and the sympathetic non-Jew to know the facts and to know how the Jewish leaders are reacting to the facts. Both these requisites the Jewish Daily Bulletin has capably and generously filled.

Leaders of Jewish public opinion, important Jewish communal causes and institutions and the Jewish community as a whole, are under a deep debt of obligation to the Jewish Daily Bulletin.

Dr. Israel Goldstein.


The Jewish Daily Bulletin keeps those of us, who are our brother’s keeper, in close touch with Jews the world over—their joys and sorrows.

Unfortunately, though through no fault of The Bulletin, the heartaches far outnumber the simchas.

Each day I look forward to reading it.

Jonah J. Goldstein,


Mrs. de Haas and I read the Jewish Daily Bulletin every morning religiously at breakfast, and if we go out of town it follows us regularly. I know of no better compliment as to the worth and usefulness of The Bulletin from case-hardened newspaper folk and professional writers.

It is an old theory of mine that if we all knew the same group of facts well we would form the same kind of judgment of the problems that beset us, and I would like to see a five-minute digest of the weekly collection of Bulletins precede the typical Friday morning or Saturday or Sunday morning sermon. It would, I believe, promote better under-standing than hours of argument,

Jacob De Haas.


It gives me great pleasure to offer you both for myself as well as for the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (Hias) heartiest congratulations upon the completion of the tenth year of the issue of the Jewish Daily Bulletin.

The Jewish Daily Bulletin is a powerful instrument not only in collecting and disseminating Jewish news from all parts of the world but also is the means of giving valuable information respecting Jewish life to the Jews


The Jewish Daily Bulletin may justly take pride in the accomplishments of a decade. Among no people is there such a need of knowing “how the other half lives” as among Jews. The exposure of conditions to the sunlight of publicity is the one great defensive and curative means in the possession of the Jew, and in connection with this, I know of no single instrumentality which is rendering greater service. In the present critical position of the Jew in a world torn as it is, the services of the Jewish Daily Bulletin are not likely to grow less. I offer you my best wishes for your continued and increasing success.

Morris Rothenberg


American Jews, and perhaps especially those in professional Jewish life, have grown so used to the Jewish Daily Bulletin, and have come to depend upon it so much for world-wide Jewish news, that I sometimes fear we are too included to take it for granted and withhold from it that measure of praise and gratitude which it deserves. It therefore gives me unusual pleasure to greet The Bulletin on its tenth anniversary, and to hail it as a valuable asset to Jewish life.

It is difficult to believe that ten years ago there was no Jewish Daily Bulletin — that American Jewry actually was able to get along without it. Today it is indispensable, it has proved its worth. Long live The Bulletin!

Dr. I. M. Rubinow. 4May I join your host of friends throughout the world in extending to you my heartiest felicitations on the tenth anniversary of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. It is hard to realize that ten years have elapsed since The Bulletin first made its appearance. These have been among the most turbulent as well as significant years in Jewish history and the Jewish Daily Bulletin has made a major contribution to our times by providing the Jewish and the nonJewish world with authentic news and information upon which to base intelligent judgment and action. It has been one of the most helpful and indispensable agencies of Jewish life.

I wish it continued success in ### years to come.

Abba Hillel Silver


I am happy to felicitate the Jewish Daily Bulletin upon its completion of a decade of very useful service to the American Jewish community. The Bulletin has filled a genuine need. By its resourcefulness and thoroughness, it has helped to keep its growing circle of readers well informed concerning significant Jewish events throughout the world. Through its enterprising correspondents, it has frequently unearthed abuses perpetrated against our brethren, and has aided in rallying public opinion in defense of Jewish rights everywhere.

Mordecai Soltes.


It affords me great pleasure to add my {SPAN}#ribute{/SPAN} to the many others you will receive on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of The Bulletin. The useful service performed by The Bulletin in acquainting American Jewry with world events is equalled only by the imperative necessity for so thorough a channel of information these days.

At no time in modern history has it been more essential that there be unity and the fullest knowledge within American Jewry than at the present time. In contributing largely to the accomplishment of that objective The Bulletin should have the fullest cooperation and grateful appreciation of all American Jews.

Laurence A. Steinhardt.


I join many thousands of Hebrews throughout the United States in hailing the Jewish Daily Bulletin on its Tenth Anniversary. During this decade it has performed a great work for the Hebrews of the world.

By furnishing authentic information of the doings everywhere with relation to the Jews—done by them—for them and against them—all those interested have been kept accurately advised.

An English publication of this character is not merely useful—it is a necessity. It has merited success and should be read in every house# old. If its present policies are continued, it will achieve a position of ever growing respect and power. It may prove the means on mirroring the Jew properly before the world—for the everlasting benefit of all the peoples thereof.

My heartiest congratulations and very best wishes.

Max D. Steuer


The Jewish Daily Bulletin has proven during its ten years of existence that a daily devoted to the statement of facts concerning matters of particular interest to Jews fills an important function. Under present day conditions this is more important than ever before.

I hope that The Bulletin will continue to lay emphasis on the collection of news and not become the organ of any faction. It seems to me we have in Jewish life too many opinions and too few unbiased fact finding agencies.

Happy Birthday and may the Jewish Daily Bulletin grow from strength to strength.

Roger W. Straus.


Permit me to congratulate your publication on the celebration of its tenth anniversary and to repeat, in that connection, what I have heretofore said, that it ably, temperately and impartially supplies an urgent need in our community. I wish it every success.

Samuel Untermyer.


I understand that the Jewish Daily Bulletin is about to celebrate its tenth anniversary and I hope that, after the very difficult times you have weathered, the next years will be smoother and less trying. During the critical years, when it was hard to get information on Jewish matters from Europe and Palestine, your telegraphic news was certainly of value to those who had to keep posted on Jewish affairs.

Felix M. Warburg.


The Jewish Daily Bulletin is a vital and essential force in American Jewish life. Its importance cannot be overestimated.

Frank L. Weil.


In connection with the tenth anniversary, I join with many more in congratulating you upon the completion of ten years of a very great service to the Jewish people. Even though at times one is inclined to be critical of inclusions and omissions in the pages of the Jewish Daily Bulletin, one cannot but feel that if there were no Jewish Daily Bulletin, we would have to invent it or create it. Jewish life in America is unthinkable without such a Daily Bulletin of Jewish news, gathered from all parts of the world, as is published by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

I wish the Jewish Daily Bulletin well. May it become possible for its pages to grow a little less dreary and a little more hopeful. I am not one of those who blame the Jewish Daily Bulletin for publishing evil tidings. If there are evil things, we should know the truth and the whole truth about them, without equivocation or palliation. Still I do believe that the very publication of the truth may help to make life a little juster and even fairer for the Jewish people.

With renewed congratulations.

Stephen S. Wise

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