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Germany Rejects Peace

December 3, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The statement made by Dr. Frick, the Nazi Minister, that any offer of peace by Jews to Germany will be rejected, is the best proof that Germany does not intend to modify its anti-Jewish policy, not even after the appeal made by Lloyd George and other British statesmen last week to the Hitler government, urging a reconciliation with the Jews.

The Hitler government needs a scapegoat. It needs somebody upon whom to heap blame for the hard Winter Germany faces and for the dissatisfaction which is already brewing in the nation. A reconciliation with the Jews would be tantamount to an admission by Hitler that he has done injustice to tens of thousands of loyal German citizens.

Of all the twenty-six points of the Nazi program, the anti-Jewish paragraph alone has been fully carried out by the Hitler government. The rest of the program has so far remained mere phraseology. It would therefore be an illusion on the part of any Jewish group to expect that Hitler will admit that even the Jewish point of his program must be modified.


A lucrative racket—peddling copies of the forged “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” to the gullible and receiving financial support for doing so from equally gullible and hood-winked people — flourishes in the United States. Masking their anti-Semitic attacks behind the veil of a fight on Communism, these purveyors of libel and race hatred find a ready market—and more important for them—ready support and financing.

Investigation by the Jewish Daily Bulletin, reported in these pages, reveals how the John B. Snows, the Robert Edward Edmondsons and other purveyors of anti-Semitic filth operate.

In making this information public, and in turning it over to the proper authorities for action, the Jewish Daily Bulletin tears down the mask of respectability behind which these people function.

It is revealing strong forces with which the Jews in the United States must reckon.

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