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Anti-simitic Activity Increasing in Argentine Province; “heroes of Nuremberg” Honored

October 24, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Inscriptions are appearing on walls in Santa ## city and province paying homage to the Nazi “heroes of Nuremberg,” according to a Dispatch in La Prensa, most influential Argentine newspaper, which adds that the Authorities are not interfering with that practice nor with other anti-Jewish activity such is on the increase in Santa Fe.

Anti-Semitic inscriptions are also appearing in public places, and diatribes ##inst Jews are published in leaflets at Santa Fo, the newspaper adds. The dispatch ## states that a wreath, in honor of the aforementioned “heroes of Nuremberg,” was recently left in the city chapel at the municipal cemetery. The outrages, La Prensa sports, are believed to be committed by members of the “traditionalist Movement of ##ta Fe.”

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