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Jdl to Hold Demonstration at Hanafi Hq; Hanafis Threaten Bloobath for Zionist Jews

March 18, 1977
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League, denounced the Hanafi Moslems today as “Nazis” and said the JDL would demonstrate in front of Hanafi headquarters in Washington Sunday. The immediate response from the Hanafis was to threaten “the Zionist-controlled JDL and all Zionist Jews and their allies” with “a bloodbath.”

Kahane said at a press conference here that the demonstration was ordered because Hanafi gunmen seized three buildings in Washington last Wednesday, including B’nai B’rith national headquarters where 107 hostages were held for 39 hours, most of them Jews. He called that act “the open naked outburst of hate on the part of the Nazi-Moslems who beat Jews, cursed and humiliated them. We saw the nakedness of Auschwitz and anyone with eyes could see that it certainly can happen here,” Kahane said.

He claimed that what happened in Washington “was more than an assault on some individual Jews. It was an attack on Judaism and an affront on the Jewish people as a whole.” He claimed that after the Hanafis “villified Jews, cursed them and forced them to grovel because they are Jews, not a single Jewish organization has stood up to demand that Jews or the authorities take meaningful action against these anti-Semitic hoodlums.”

(B’nai B’rith leaders did, in fact, appeal for effective measures to combat the kind of terrorism that paralyzed Washington last week. Statements to that effect were issued by David Blumberg, B’nai B’rith president and Kay Kash, head of the B’nai B’rith Women, after the hostages were released.)

Kahane disclosed the text of a telegram he sent to Hanafi headquarters warning them of the planned demonstration. It said. “Expect immediate apology for words and action against Jewish people and God of Israel. We are not B’nai B’rith. Never again.”


The response this elicited from the Hanafis was a virulent attack on “Zionist Jews.” It was contained in a statement read at a press conference at Hanafi headquarters by Begum Khadyja Khaalis, wife of Hanafi leader Khalifa Hamaas Abdul Khaalis, who master-minded and directed last week’s rampage. Professing that the sect worked “for peace, goodwill and understanding, not bloodshed,” the statement declared:

“Now for the more serious and grave consequences, which will mean bloodbaths, as we Hanafi Mussulmans throughout America must make the peace. The Zionist Jew JDL has threatened all the Hanafi Mussulmans throughout America by telephone and a telegram from a man who says he is a Jewish rabbi, name, Meir Kahane.”

The statement went on to allege that news media are manipulated by Jews and added, “We, Hanafi Mussulmans throughout America say to the Zionist-controlled JDL and all Zionist Jews and their allies that they will write their epitaph in self-destruction and the blood of their people.”

Kahane told news media “We are going down there (to Washington) with tough Jews and we are going to ask them to come out and see how tough they are when they are not faced with women and children.”

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