Rabbi, son beaten in Ukraine

A rabbi and his small son were attacked and beaten by a group of young men in the central Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa.


A rabbi and his small son were beaten by a group of young men in the central Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa.

Rabbi Shaul Horowitz, the chief rabbi of Vinnitsa, and his son, 3, both citizens of Israel, and their guest from Canada were walking to a nearby store from their home at 10:30 p.m. Sept. 11 when they were beaten by a group of young men.

According to several witnesses, the rabbi’s son was hit several times on his head and face after one of the young men shouted “We will kill all yids! Hail Hitler!” The guest from Canada, who was wearing traditional Orthodox Jewish garb, also was severely beaten by two of the attackers.

None of the passers-by helped the victims, according to the rabbi. Horowitz told JTA that he, his son and the Canadian managed to escape thanks only to the driver of a passing car who reported the incident to police, who arrived and detained some of the attackers who reportedly were not intoxicated.

Local police are investigating the case.

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