Technion rabbi: No mezuzzot for gay couples

Ynet reports that the rabbi at the Technion and his followers are on the warpath after the school’s decision to allow gay and lesbian couples to live in married dorms: Following the decision, the Technion’s rabbi demanded that demanded that the mezuzot (piece of parchment affixed to the doorframe of Jewish homes) be removed from […]


Ynet reports that the rabbi at the Technion and his followers are on the warpath after the school’s decision to allow gay and lesbian couples to live in married dorms:

Following the decision, the Technion’s rabbi demanded that demanded that the mezuzot (piece of parchment affixed to the doorframe of Jewish homes) be removed from the rooms where the gay couples are slated to reside. …

Activists of the Technion’s religious students’ organization, Achvat Aharon, led by the Technion’s rabbi, Eliyahu Rachamim Zini, refused to accept the decision. Under the title "Sodomy sponsored and financed by the Technion", they wrote a protest letter to Technion President Yitzhak Apeloig.

"They are trying to force us to acknowledge that if a person was born with a sexual abnormality he can live with it, and that there is no need to overcome it. This immoral saying has no room in a society which cherishes the future of the Israeli family," the letter said.

As part of the protest moves, Zini and his people asked the Technion’s management to remove the mezuzot affixed to the doorframes of the rooms where homosexual and lesbian couples are slated to reside….

In case anyone missed the point… Zini and his supporters showed up to a protest with signs, including one that declared: "Better a male with a dog than a male with a male."

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