Cargo From Flotilla Ships Enters Gaza


(JTA) — Dozens of trucks loaded with cargo from some of the ships intercepted on the way to Gaza crossed into the coastal strip. Workers at the Ashdod port unloaded cargo from three of the ships and loaded it into trucks by Tuesday afternoon.

The cargo was scattered throughout each ship and not packed up in an organized fashion, Ynet reported, citing the port’s CEO Shuli Sagis. X-rays and dogs inspected the goods, which included food and toys.

Meanwhile, Egypt opened its border with Gaza on Tuesday, allowing Palestinians to cross freely. The Rafah crossing will remain open for an unlimited time, Reuters reported. Egypt, like Israel, had closed its border with Gaza when Hamas took over three years ago, opening it only occasionally.

Egypt will allow aid convoys carrying food and medical supplies. Building materials will be required to go through Israel, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, two more ships that are part of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla are still planning to sail for the Gaza coast.

An Irish ship named Rachel Corrie, for the American activist killed in 2003 by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza, and an American ship will likely arrive in international waters outside of Gaza next week, according to reports. The ships are docked now in ports but intend to continue on their journey, Greta Berlin, one of the heads of the Free Gaza movement, told Ynet Tuesday.

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