Seth Ginsberg, 28


Like millions of Americans, Seth Ginsberg suffers from arthritis. However, his diagnosis came when he was only 13 years old.

Ginsberg has spondylarthritis, which results in days when it is difficult even to grip a knife and fork.

When he began college, he founded CreakyJoints as a way to bring together those suffering from arthritis, mainly through a series of wellness workshops.

CreakyJoints is not a lobbying group, but over time, as it became clear that educational workshops alone could not foster change fast enough, it has become one of the primary organizations that educates legislators about policy issues and improving access to care. It also teaches its members how to navigate the complicated world of American health care.

“Since I was a little boy,” says Ginsberg, “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to the pharmacy and they’ve been like, ‘Whoops! We can’t cover this.’”

CreakyJoints is now part of the Global Healthy Living Foundation, co-founded by Ginsberg to help patients with other chronic conditions, such as diabetes.

Ginsberg is an active Reform Jew, and the youngest member ever appointed to the Board of Trustees in his synagogue. “Being Jewish is something that had inspired me to help other people and to make good on all that I have,” he says, adding, “I think nothing beats a New York Jew. We rock.”

Hidden talent: Ginsberg loves spending his good days perfecting his sleight of hand. He enjoys fire juggling and card magic; he even used to be
a member of the National Jugglers Association.
