Chabad to open four new student centers in Europe

Chabad this coming academic year will open four new centers for Jewish students in Europe, including American Jews studying abroad.


WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Chabad on Campus International Foundation this coming academic year will open four new centers for Jewish students in Europe, including American Jews studying abroad. 

Centers will open during the 2011-2012 academic year in Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence and Frankfurt, joining existing ones in Debrecen, Hungary, and Paris. The centers will offer Torah classes, Shabbat meals and holiday services in the local languages.

A Chabad spokesman said he did not have figures on the cost of the centers. The facilities will open throughout the course of the year and no specific dates were available, the spokesman said.

“Each campus Chabad House, wherever it may be found in the world, is truly global in scope.

When students spend a semester or two abroad, emissaries help integrate them into the local Jewish community, further providing them a home away from home,” Rabbi Eli Brackman, the Chabad on Campus Europe chairman, said in a press statement.

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