Dutch national jailed in Ireland for praising ISIS, threatening to behead Jews

He praised Islamic State terror attacks in France to his French housemates saying that they gave him "great joy," and said that those who carried out the attacks would "get a first class ticket" to paradise and at the time of his arrest he told officers that of he had a sword he would cut off the heads of Jews.


(JTA) — A Dutch national living in Ireland was sentenced to five years in jail after threatening his two French housemates, praising the Islamic State and saying he would behead Jews.

Shmael Heirouche, 40, was sentenced Wednesday in Cork Circuit Criminal Court after pleading guilty to a charge of threatening to kill or cause serious harm, the Irish Independent reported.

Heirouche, who is of Moroccan ancestry, was diagnosed as schizophrenic in Holland. However, Judge Sean O’Donnabhain called his threats a serious matter and noted that society had a right to be protected. Heirouche has refused to accept psychiatric support services, according to the report.

Heirouche praised Islamic State terror attacks in France to his French housemates saying that they gave him “great joy,” and said that those who carried out the attacks would “get a first class ticket” to paradise, according to the report. At the time of his arrest he told officers that of he had a sword he would cut off the heads of Jews.

The housemates also told the court that Heirouche described them as Zionists and said that all Zionists should “have their throats cut.”


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