UJC opposes emergency funds cut

The U.S. federations’ umbrella joined relief groups in asking Congress to reject proposed cuts to an emergency relief group.


The U.S. federations’ umbrella joined relief organizations in asking Congress to reject proposed cuts to an emergency relief group.

United Jewish Communities is one of six national service organizations that have jointly managed the Emergency Food and Shelter program for 25 years. On Tuesday, the groups marked the program’s 25 years and called on Congress to reject the Bush administration’s proposal to cut its funding from $153 million annually to $100 million.

“We are in a time of economic crisis,” said Robyn Judelsohn, the UJC’s director of planning, networks and partnership, and its representative in the program. “This program is just as important today or maybe even more so than 25 years ago.”

Judelsohn said a strength of the program is that it defers to local boards in determining how to allocate emergency funds.

Congressional Democrats may consider upping the emergency program’s budget to as much as $200 million.

Other groups represented on the emergency program’s board include the American Red Cross, the United Way and the Salvation Army.

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