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15 “rebel” Laborite Mp’s Ask Palestine Partition, Followed by Withdrawal of Troops

Britain was urged last night to recommend to the United Nations the partition of Palestine “under international guarantees in conformity with pledges to the Jews” in a booklet entitled “Keep Left,” issued by 15 “rebel” Laborite MP’s. The group is lead by Richard Crossman, former member of the Anglo-American inquiry committee. Their recommendations will provide […]

May 4, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Britain was urged last night to recommend to the United Nations the partition of Palestine “under international guarantees in conformity with pledges to the Jews” in a booklet entitled “Keep Left,” issued by 15 “rebel” Laborite MP’s.

The group is lead by Richard Crossman, former member of the Anglo-American inquiry committee. Their recommendations will provide a basis for criticism of the Labor Party’s Palestine policy at the party’s annual convention in Margate at the end of this month.

Partition should be followed by a termination of the Palestine Mandate and the withdrawal of British troops according to an announced schedule, the pamphlet emphasizes. Declaring that the seeds of the next war are being sown in “Middle East oil politics,” the authors of the booklet call for a four power agreement for an equitable development and distribution of Middle Eastern oil stocks, adding that only in this way would the “tragic” problem of Palestine be resolved and Jewish-Arab cooperation brought about. “An obsession with the Bolshevik menace is the only explanation of the vacillation and indecision of the government’s policy,” it concluded.

The Anglo-French talks on limiting visaless Jewish emigration from Europe are tentatively scheduled to open in Paris May 12, a Foreign Office spokesman disclosed today. The parley will center about tightening French emigration regulations, visa controls and the departure of ships from French ports, he said. Foreign Office experts will compose the British delegation.

The visit last night of Admiral Sir Algernon Willis, commander of the British Mediterranean fleet, to Palestine High Commissioner Sir Alan G. Cunningham is being linked by informed quarters to the British campaign to tighten control of the Palestine coast against visaless immigration.

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