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500,000 Aliens Excluded from United States Under Government’s Restriction Policy

December 23, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

President Hoover has been informed by Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State, that as a result of the continued enforcement of the Government’s policy of restrictive immigration during the economic depression a total of more than 500,000 aliens who normally would have emigrated to the United States have been denied immigration visas.

This result, Mr. Stimson points out in a report to the President, made public yesterday, has been accomplished through enforcement of the immigration laws, particularly the provision of the act affecting those likely to become a “public charge.”

Secretary Stimson reported further that during the last fiscal year, a total of only 12,697 quota immigration visas were issued as compared with annual quotas of 153,831.

“I refer to my statement to you of Sept. 17, 1931, concerning the results accomplished in restricting immigration into the United States during the present economic depression,” the report says. “Upon the basis of reports received from consular officers since the date of my previous statement it is possible to estimate further the results which have been realized through the continued enforcement by consular officers of those provisions of the immigration laws which are particularly applicable in times of widespread unemployment in this country.

“It may be estimated that as the result of restricting immigration into the United States during the economic depression in this country, over 500,000 aliens who normally would have immigrated into the United States have not received immigration visas. This result has been accomplished through the enforcement of existing provisions of law.

“As we pointed out in your announcement of Sept. 8, 1930, the provision of section 3 of the Immigration Act of 1917, which excludes from the United States persons likely to become a public charge is of particular significance at this time.

“Accordingly if there be subtracted from the 36,737 quota and non-quota immigration visas issued to all aliens, the 7,007 non-quota immigrants referred to who did not add to the population of the United States, there remains 29,730. Of this number, 18,490 or over 62 per cent were the alien members of the immediate family group of American citizens and of lawfully admitted alien residents of the United States.

“In connection with the decrease in the number of visas issued to alien relatives of American citizens, it may be noted that the number of petitions filed by citizens to establish non-quota status or preference status within the quota on behalf of alien relatives declined from 31,057 and 19,882 for the fiscal years 1929-30 and 1930-31, respectively, to 11,272 for the fiscal year 1931-32, thus indicating a decreased desire on the part of citizens to have alien relatives abroad join them in the United States.”

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