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A Syrian Tells Israel Radio of Syrian Human Rights Abuses

February 28, 1992
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel Radio reported receiving a letter from a Syrian listener to its Arabic-language broadcasts who is dismayed by the Damascus regime’s abuse of human rights.

The writer, who requested anonymity, introduced himself as one of the founders of the ruling Syrian Ba’ath Party.

“I am a resident of Aleppo, in Syria, but I am now writing to you from Rome,” the letter said. It apparently was signed, since the writer asked that his name not be disclosed “lest my fate become the fate of the people mentioned in my letter.”

The letter cited specific instances of human rights violations, oppression and cruelty exercised by the authorities and bureaucracy in Syria. It urged Israel Radio to help draw world attention to those conditions.

“Although I am a Syrian who defends the rights of my country and its independence, I do not see any chance for peace and progress there without democracy and without a credible and just government,” the writer said.

“Therefore, I ask that you contribute your share in drawing the attention of world public opinion to what is occurring in Syria,” the letter said.

According to the writer, the Syrian nation genuinely wants peace, “but the current regime opposes any progressive thought, and any thought of peace, because thoughts constitute a danger to the interests of the corrupt rulers.

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