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American Air Force Entrusts Israeli Scientist with Special Project

Professor Markus Reiner of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, has been commissioned by the European office of the Air Research and Development Command of the United States Air Force to carry out a special research project. A three-man delegation of United States Air Force officers recently visited the Technion and completed the agreement for […]

August 25, 1955
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Professor Markus Reiner of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, has been commissioned by the European office of the Air Research and Development Command of the United States Air Force to carry out a special research project. A three-man delegation of United States Air Force officers recently visited the Technion and completed the agreement for the sponsored research.

The project, which deals with phenomena observed in the flow of liquids, was said to be an extremely complex one. Observers here declared that if the experiments are carried through successfully, which now appears likely, the findings will have great significance for possible human travel in the stratosphere, or for the passage of other bodies, such as guided missiles, through the upper layers of the air.

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