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American and Israel Experts to Meet in Washington on Desalination

December 21, 1965
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israeli and American experts will meet in Washington next February to study three reports on the Joint United States-Israeli plans for developing the project in this country for desalination of seawater, it was announced here today.

The announcement was made by Mekorot Water Company, Ltd., the public utility charged with the development of major irrigation projects and of water supply for all of Israel. Mekorot is owned jointly by the Israel Government, Histadrut, and the Jewish Agency jointly with the Jewish National Fund.

The reports to be discussed in Washington, a spokesman for Mekorot stated, will deal with the economic aspects of the plan for a nuclear plant to be used for desalination, the specific problems regarding atomic development, and the organizational setup of the entire project. To further the final studies for the project, Mekorot announced today, it had allocated 1,500,000 Israeli pounds ($500,000) for the next fiscal year.

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