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American Jewish Women Volunteer for Service in Israel

The first group of volunteers, recruited by the Pioneer Women, Labor Zionist Women’s Organization, from various parts of the United States and Canada for one year’s service in Israel, will sail from New York in early July, it was announced here today. This is the first time the organization has sponsored such a project. Other […]

May 13, 1952
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The first group of volunteers, recruited by the Pioneer Women, Labor Zionist Women’s Organization, from various parts of the United States and Canada for one year’s service in Israel, will sail from New York in early July, it was announced here today. This is the first time the organization has sponsored such a project.

Other groups are expected to leave in August and September of this year. The women will be assigned to work among the new immigrants in the various social service and educational institutions conducted by the sister organization, Moatzot Hapoalot, in Israel. The first three months in Israel will be devoted to an intensive training course.

The American women, as teachers, social workers, nurses, kindergarteners, cooks and housekeepers, will aid in the care of children and in the training of Israeli women for the basic tasks of homemaking and child rearing. These workers will be paid the prevailing wage rate in Israel for their services.

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