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Approved Foreign Aid Bill Includes Economic, Military Aid for Israel

December 18, 1981
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Congress has approved an $11.5 billion foreign aid bill, including $1.4 billion in military aid and $785 million in economic assistance for Israel in the fiscal year 1982-83. The foreign aid bill, the first voted by Congress since 1979, was passed this time because of strong support by the Reagan Administration. The appropriation for Israel is the same as it has been for the last three years.

It was not part of the controversy over the bill during the debates in the House and Senate. However, Rep. Paul McCloskey (R. Calif.) objected to the appropriation for Israel yesterday because of Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights. The Senate approved the bill Tuesday night and the House acted last night.

For the last three years, foreign aid appropriations have been allocated through continuing resolutions. If no bill had been adopted this year, Israel and other countries would still have received the same amounts as were appropriated last year.

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