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Arab Guerrilla Organizations Confer on Coordinating Anti-israel Activities

The new “Palestinian National Council,” a group made up of about 100 representatives of various guerrilla organizations, is meeting in Cairo to discuss the coordination of their activities against Israel, their relationship with the Arab governments and rivalries between guerrilla groups, it was reported here today. The principal components of the council are El Fatah, […]

July 12, 1968
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The new “Palestinian National Council,” a group made up of about 100 representatives of various guerrilla organizations, is meeting in Cairo to discuss the coordination of their activities against Israel, their relationship with the Arab governments and rivalries between guerrilla groups, it was reported here today.

The principal components of the council are El Fatah, the Popular Front for Palestinian Liberation, and the Palestine Liberation Organization. But the council has dissociated itself from the discredited policies of the PLO’s former chairman, Ahmed Shukairy, and emphasizes its independence from Arab governments, the reports said.

Commenting on the Cairo meeting, the London Times said today that it remains to be seen whether the council can avoid simply being a forum for the quarrels of its principal components. There is no indication that it intends to set up a government-in-exile but its relationship with the Arab governments remains undefined, the Times said.

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