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Arabs, 7 Jews Die in Palestine As Violence Flares After Short Period of Quiet

At least 20 Arabs and seven Jews died in Palestine this week-end as the uneasy quiet which reigned throughout most of last week ?ed in staccato blasts of submachine guns and the roar of bombs. In addition two ?tish officers were shot down on a crowded Jerusalem street this afternoon and are ?a hospital in […]

December 22, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

At least 20 Arabs and seven Jews died in Palestine this week-end as the uneasy quiet which reigned throughout most of last week ?ed in staccato blasts of submachine guns and the roar of bombs. In addition two ?tish officers were shot down on a crowded Jerusalem street this afternoon and are ?a hospital in a critical condition.

Eight Arabs died and 16 were wounded today when Jews fired at an Arab bus ?ch failed to halt at a Haganah road block between Ramleh and Ramallah. The Haganah ? operating in that vicinity following a number of attacks this morning on Jewish ?icles during which two Jews were murdered. The two, Gideon Gelobter, 25, and ?nan Possek, 28, were stabbed and beaten to death when an oil tank truck which they ?e driving was captured by an Arab band. In another attack on the same road four ?ish settlement policemen escorting a convoy were wounded when Arab guerrillas ?ned fire.

The Jewish hospital in Safad was attacked by Arabs who had taken up positions ? a nearby building. They were eventually beaten off after one of their number was ?led and several were wounded. Two Jewish guards were injured, but none of the ?pital staff nor any patient was hurt. The building from which the Arabs attacked, ?e highest in the town, was occupied by the Arab Legion several days ago. A curfew ? imposed on Safad.

Max Schneider, a Jewish police sergeant, was shot and killed by a Legionnaire ?t night. The shooting took place near the Allenby police barracks. Robert Stern, ? employee of the Palestine Information Office and a former Jewish Telegraphic Agency ?rrespondent, was shot dead tonight as he walked from his office.


The shooting of the two British soldiers in this city was acknowledged by ?e Irgun tonight, which stated that the attack was in reprisal for the rape of a ?wish girl by British soldiers last week. The underground group pointed out that ? had carefully chosen members of the Lifeguard Regiment, of which the attackers of ?e girl were members. The Haganah immediately dencunced the Irgun attack as a “pro?cation.”

A Haganah unit raided the Arab village of Deirajoub, damaging several houses ?t injuring no one. The Arabs were told that the raid was a warning and not a ?prisal for the killing of a Jew in the area last week. If further attacks occur, ?e Jewish militia stated, the Arabs will suffer more severe damages and casualties.

In the Tel Aviv-Jaffa border area last night the Haganah blew up several Arab ?rongholds, killed a number of Arabs and a British soldier. A Haganah spokesman ?ologized for the death of the soldier, asserting that he was mistaken for an armed ?. The Haganah also issued an apology to the Arabs of the village of Knisas for ?accidental killing of five children during a raid on the headquarters of a guer?a band which had murdered several Jews.

Two British armored cars were fired upon by a gang of Arabs near Tulkarm, ?heast of Tel Aviv, tonight and one soldier was shot in the chest. When the ?cles halted and the Arabs recognized the Britons they apologized, saying that ? thought the occupants of the cars were Jews.


Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog last night appealed to Prime Minister Clement At? to immediately aid the Jews of Aden who, he said, were threatened by a renewal ?rab attacks. Over 75 Jews were killed by Arab rioters in the British colony ?ier this month.

The Arab executive has appealed to the Arabs in the Western Hem?sphere for ?ancial aid, pointing out that “the Arabs expect from you the same sacrifice that ?rican Jews are making for the Jewish state.” The appeal was issued in view of ? failure of fund-raising drives in the Middle East, which is hampering prepara?ns for an all-out attack on the Jews.

Acting Commissioner of the Gaza district, E.F. Clemens, warned tribal lead? and Bedouin sheiks to prevent further attacks by their clanemen on Jews. Blaming ?bal elders for recent bloodshed in the Negev area, Clemens said he believes the ?b executive does not want disturbances, Meanwhile, road communications between ?ev and the rest of the country have been re-opened partially under strong police ?rd.

Jewish women detained in Bethlehem prison went on strike today, protesting ? refusal by the authorities to remove them from Bethlehem where they are sur?nded by Arabs, their lives in constant danger. After promising them that their ?uest would be considered, the chief warden succeeded in persuading the women to ?urn to their cells.

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