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Belgian Jews Planning Relief for Refugees

D. May, brother of the Belgian Minister in Washington and president of the Jewish Consistoire of Belgium, and Chief Rabbi Wiener of Brussels, are heading a relief committee which has just been established in order to take care of Jewish refugees who have poured into Belgium in the last few weeks. The number of German-Jewish […]

April 7, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

D. May, brother of the Belgian Minister in Washington and president of the Jewish Consistoire of Belgium, and Chief Rabbi Wiener of Brussels, are heading a relief committee which has just been established in order to take care of Jewish refugees who have poured into Belgium in the last few weeks.

The number of German-Jewish refugees in Belgium is estimated to exceed 3,000.

The Union of Leather Merchants formed a boycott committee against Germany. Last night, after a huge protest meeting, a crowd consisting of 2,000 youths demonstrated before the German Consulate shouting “perish Hitler”.

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