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Britain Concludes New Pact with Transjordania

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A new treaty between the British Government and Transjordania, giving the western part of Palestine a new status under the Emirate of Abdullah, was signed in Jerusalem, according to reports in the Arab press. The agreement was signed by Lord Plumer in behalf of King George and by the Transjordanian Prime Minister […]

March 1, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

A new treaty between the British Government and Transjordania, giving the western part of Palestine a new status under the Emirate of Abdullah, was signed in Jerusalem, according to reports in the Arab press.

The agreement was signed by Lord Plumer in behalf of King George and by the Transjordanian Prime Minister in behalf of Emir Abdullah. The text of the treaty will be published, it was stated; after the Transjordanian legislative council had been constituted.

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