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Britain to Proceed with Partition Plan Despite Disorders, Ormsby-gore Tells Commons

February 10, 1938
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

William G.A. Ormsby-Gore, Colonial Secretary, assured the House of Commons today that the British Government intends to proceed with its plan to partition Palestine despite continuing disorders.

The Government last July reached the conclusion that a scheme on the general lines of the Peel Royal Commission’s report was “the best and most hopeful solution of the deadlock,” the Colonial Secretary said, adding: “To that policy we still adhere.”

The statement was made in response to a request by Capt. Victor Cazalet, Conservative, who has just returned from a visit to Palestine, for assurances that the Government still adhered to the partition policy. Mr. Ormsby-Gore added, in reply to W. Leach, Laborite, that the continuance of terrorism would not deter His Majesty’s Government from proceeding with the partition plan.

Replying to a question by Tom Williams, Laborite, Mr. Ormsby-Gore declared he was not yet in a position to say what course would be followed regarding Palestine immigration after the expiration of the current entry quota in March.

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