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British Uphold Palestine Act on Revisionists

Colonial governments in the British Empire have the power to revoke citizenship rights of individuals they consider as undesirable, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister declared today in the House of Commons when the question of revocation of the citizenship rights of Aba Achimeier by the Palestine government was raised. Questioned by Colonel Josiah Wedgwood, Sir Philip answered […]

February 7, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Colonial governments in the British Empire have the power to revoke citizenship rights of individuals they consider as undesirable, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister declared today in the House of Commons when the question of revocation of the citizenship rights of Aba Achimeier by the Palestine government was raised.

Questioned by Colonel Josiah Wedgwood, Sir Philip answered that he had never approved of the action and that he had no power to approve, since such a prerogative belonged to the various colonial governments.

Achimeier, acquitted of the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, Laborite leader, was sent to jail for twenty-one months for membership in the Brith Habiryonim, alleged secret terrorist organization. The sentence was reduced by the Court of Appeals to eighteen months.

The Palestine government recently notified Achimeier that unless he could show cause to the contrary his citizenship would be cancelled.

Protests from Revisionist groups all over the world followed on the heels of the notice of revocation. Dr. Yevin and Joshua Lichter, convicted with Achimeier in the Brith Habiryonim case, were also notified that their citizenship rights had been withdrawn.

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