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Bulletin Calendar of Coming Events

January 14, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Services at Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall. Dr. Wise speaks on “Jakob Wassermann: His Life as Jew; His Books as German.” 10:45 A.M.

Conference American Friends of National Labor in Palestine, Hotel Pennsylvania at 2 P.M.

Forum on “Heredity vs. Environment” at the Jewish Fellowship, Hotel McAlpin, Broadway and 34th Street. Speakers: Rabbi I. L. Bril, Dr. A. A. Brill and Dr. B. A. Kantrowitz. 3:30 P.M.

New York Metropolitan Masada conference at Temple Adath Israel, Grand Concourse and 169th Street. James W. Wise and others to speak. Evening.

Anniversary jubilee dinner, Hotel Astor. For benetit of the Los Angeles Free Tuberculosis Sanitorium. Evening.

Fifth annual convention Long Island branch, the United Synagogue of America at Temple Gates of Prayer, Flushing. Evening.

High Commissioner James G. McDonald of the German Refugee Body, speaks on “Christian Responsibility Toward German Refugees” over coast-to-coast network of N.B.C. 4:00 to 4:15 P.M.


Congressman Hamilton Fish, Jr., speaks on “The Effect of American Recognition of Russia” at the Brooklyn Jewish Center Forum, 667 Eastern Parkway. Evening.


The Jewish Daily Bulletin published in new large format and sold on newsstands throughout the metropolitan area.

Walter W. Pettit, assistant director of the New York School of Social Work, speaks on social service at Women’s Federation lecture series, Federation Building. 11 A.M.

Regular monthly meeting the New York Section of the National Council of Jewish Women at Temple Emanu-El Community House, 1 East 65th Street. 2:30 P.M.

Ivriah, women’s Division of the Jewish Education Association, holds tea at Waldorf. Speakers: James W. Wise and Prof. James P. Giffors of Columbia on “A Gentile Views Anti-Semitism.” Afternoon.


Prof. G. F. Beck, director of the Labor Temple School of New York, speaks on “A Philosopher Looks at the World.” At Brooklyn Jewish Centre, 667 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn. Evening.

Rabbi Max Malina of the German Jewish Congregation, speaks at Central Synagogue, 35 East 62nd Street, on “Analysis of Our Crisis”. Evening.

Rabbi Israel Goldstein, president of the Jewish National Fund, speaks at meeting of the West End Hadassah in Community House of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, West 73rd Street. 2:30 P.M.


Dr. Maxwell L. Sacks preaches at services of the Jewish Communal Center of Flatbush (Brooklyn) on “Is Religion a Natural Production of the Human Mind.” Evening.

Unveiling of memorial tablet for the late Alfred W. Norek, trustee, at Congregation Shaari Zedek of Brooklyn, Kingston Avenue and Park Place. Evening.


“Club Night” at Temple Beth Emeth, Church Avenue and Marlboro Road, Brooklyn.

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