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David Brown’s S.o.s. Brings Quick Response from Jewish Communities

David A. Brown’s “S.O.S” to the Jews of the United States to rush immediate help for the Jews of Europe, which was sent out from national headquarters of the United Jewish Campaign Wednesday brought quick response, it was announced at the United Jewish Campaign headquarters. Telegrams are pouring into United Jewish Campaign headquarters in a […]

March 21, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

David A. Brown’s “S.O.S” to the Jews of the United States to rush immediate help for the Jews of Europe, which was sent out from national headquarters of the United Jewish Campaign Wednesday brought quick response, it was announced at the United Jewish Campaign headquarters.

Telegrams are pouring into United Jewish Campaign headquarters in a steady stream, supplemented by long distance telephone messages by chairmen eager to assure the United Jewish Campaign that the “S.O.S.” has been heard, and that American Jewry is organizing itself into a huge life-saving corps. City committees in all parts of the country called meetings over the weekend to authorize the signing of checks and drafts which will be rushed to headquarters early in the week.

The first city to respond was Cleveland. John Anisfeld, Regional Chairman for the Cleveland Zone, and Edward M. Baker, General Chairman of Cleveland’s Campaign joined in a telegram informing Mr. Brown that a draft for $25,000 is on its way to headquarters. This sum represents 20% of Cleveland’s first year’s quota. “The need for bread and milk immediately to keep body and soul together and save the lives of our brethren overseas is more important than adherence to quota considerations, and thank you for the opportunity,” they say in their telegram.

Robert I. Cohen, chairman of the Galveston Committee, wired Mr. Brown immediately on receipt of the “S.O.S.”: “I am mailing you my personal check for $5,000, which represents Galveston’s quota for 1926 in full. Not all of the money has been raised yet, but we are so near to it that I feel I am running no personal risk by sending on the whole amount. But even if there were a risk, what’s money compared to saving lives.

“Houston Zone is swinging over the top and you can count on the good Jews of Texas to the hilt.”

I. Irving Lipsitch, secretary of the California Committee, wired that a meeting has been called by Chairman Hellman to underwrite 10% of that States’ campaign, and that a check will be on its way by Monday.

Isidor Cohen, chairman of the Miami campaign committee, wired that $6,000 is on its way, to be followed during the week by more.

Samuel Goldhamer, secretary of the Ohio campaign wired that “relay” messages have gone from State Headquarters to all city chairmen backing up the Brown “S.O.S.” and that he expects a large response over the week-end. With Brown’s telegram in his hand, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver delivered an address to a group of campaign workers on Thursday night, which stirred his hearers.

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