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Documents Show Klan in Canada Organized by American Leaders

(Jewish Daily Bulletin) Definite proof that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Canada were organized by leaders in the Ku Klux Klan in the United States is contained in the text of an agreement filed in the Toronto Supreme Court. The agreement, which names the organizers and throws light on the character of […]

May 24, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

Definite proof that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Canada were organized by leaders in the Ku Klux Klan in the United States is contained in the text of an agreement filed in the Toronto Supreme Court. The agreement, which names the organizers and throws light on the character of the organization, read:

“This Instrument of Agreement made and entered into Dec. Ist, 1924, by and between R. L. Cowan, of Toronto, Ontario,J.H.Hawkins of Newport, Va., and C.Lewis Fowler of New York City.

“Witnesseth that all three parties named above agree to and hereby enter into covenant to launch and to operate the Knights of Ku Klux Klan of Canada and that they agree to launch the work on the first of Jan, 1925.

“That the three parties named above agree that they shall be the first Imperial Officers of the Organization and they shall name the other officers as occasion shall demand and they shall be as the three originating officers. the Provincial Kloncillum or Official Governing body of the Order. They shall be the controlling body and shall occupy the following offices in the body: R.L.Cowan, Imperial Wizard (President). J. H. Hawkins, Imperial Klaliff (Vice President) and Chief of the Staff, and C.Lewis Fowler, Imperial Kligrapp (Secretary) and they shall be equal in all matters pertaining to the work, but the laws of the Organization shall set forth specifically the official obligations and work of each. They agree that they shall be as one in the launching of the movement.

“That the three parties hereto agree to be equally responsible in launching the movement financially and that they each shall take care of his prorata part of the expenses incidently in setting up the organization and that they shall share equally in the income after the organization is set up. determining the salaries to be paid both themselves and to all other imperial officers.

“That C. Lewis Fowler is instructed and authorized to proceed to Canada the first of January and to take such steps, make such moves as shall be necessary in setting up the Organization.

In said capacity he shall for all three and his acts are to be official in law until he is joined by all three parties in the work. He is to be paid as to his expenses and is to be allowed a reasonable sum each week for his services in representing the other two parties in the initial work. He agrees to inform both the absent parties in detail about all developments.

“To keep an accurate account of all expenses and expenditures and also all income if any until the three shall meet to perfect the organization. He is authorized to use any income in helping to defray expenses until the three shall meet for the permanent organization and to keep an accurate account of same.

“That this instrument is executed in triplicate and is binding from December 1st, 1924 and until superseded by a new agreement.

In witness whereof we, all parties to this agreement, hereunto set our hand and seal the above day and date mentioned.”

The agreement bears the signatures of Richard L. Cowan, J. H. Hawkins, Lewis Fowler.

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