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Egyptian Chief Rabbi to Seek Conciliation Between Arabs and Jews

September 22, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Rabbi Haym Nahum Effendi, Chief Rabbi of Egypt, and former Chief Rabbi of the Turkish Empire, who returned this week from Europe, will undertake efforts to bring about peace between the Jews and Arabs of Palestine.

“I will do my utmost in order to bring about peace.” the Chief Rabbi stated to the correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The “Mocattam,” most influential Arabic daily in Egypt, supporting the Egyptian Chief Rabbi’s mission of peace, published an article in which it declared: “We hope the Rabbi, having influence in Jewish and Arabic circles in Egypt and Palestine, will endeavor to bring about mutual understanding and peaceful work between the Arabs and the Jews.”

Sheik El Islam El Taftazani, highest Mohammedan religious authority here visited the Chief Rabbi and expressed the sympathy of Moslems for the Jews. He also expressed the hope that the Jews and Arabs will find a way of common work to the mutual advantage of both parties.

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