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Famine in Transjordania, Reported by Arab Paper

June 5, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency Mail Service)

The Arab press reports famine among the tribes in Transjordania.

According to “Al Carmel” the tribe of Bnai Hmeida which is settled between Madha and Vadi Ulmujib, and the other tribes which were plundered during the raid of the Aludwan tribe, are suffering from starvation.

British officials, in cooperation with Emir Abdullah and the Transjordanian Government, are expected to take measures to relieve the famine but it is not yet known what is being done.

“A1 Carmel” adds that the condition of these tribes under the British Mandate and the Arab administration is worse than it was under the rule of the Turks.

A memorial meeting in honor of the late ?erman Conheim, treasurer of the Keren ?ayesod and United Palestine Appeal, was held last Thursday at the Jewish Institute of Religion. Morris Rothenberg, chairman of the board of directors of the Keren Hayesod, presided at the meeting. Among the speakers were Rev. Z. H. Masliansky and Ab. Goldberg.

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