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Federal Court Rejects Jewish Plea Against New Jersey’s Sunday Law

December 14, 1959
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

New Jersey’s ban on trading on Sundays continued to be enforced today following a refusal this week-end by a Federal Court to disturb the enforcement of this law. In a 2 to 1 decision, the court declined to issue a temporary injunction sought by three Orthodox Jews pending the outcome of their suit before the state’s Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the law on the basis that it violates the First Amendment which guarantees religious freedom.

Counsel for the three Jewish plaintiffs noted that their clients observed the Jewish Sabbath and closed their stores from Friday sundown until Saturday night. They argued that they were being penalized for their religious beliefs by being required to close on a day that they did not observe as the Sabbath. The measure, which went into effect on November 29, bans Sunday sales of clothing, home and office furnishings, appliances and building material.

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