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First Game of Hakoah Soccer Team to Be Played in Philadelphia

The Hakoah Sport Club, the all-Jewish soccer team from Vienna, will open its American tour in Philadelphia. The team will arrive on Saturday, April 17. The opponents of the Jewish team will be the Philadelphia club of the American Soccer League. After playing in New York, Newark, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Boston, and St. Louis, the […]

March 17, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Hakoah Sport Club, the all-Jewish soccer team from Vienna, will open its American tour in Philadelphia. The team will arrive on Saturday, April 17.

The opponents of the Jewish team will be the Philadelphia club of the American Soccer League.

After playing in New York, Newark, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Boston, and St. Louis, the team will again meet a picked American Soccer League team in Philadelphia, the contest to be played during the Sesqui-Centennial celebration.


The House Committee on Elections voted to dismiss the contest over the seating of Representative Nathan D. Perlman, Republican, from the 14th Congressional District in New York City on Monday. After a long executive session Representative Don B. Colton, of Utah, made the brief announcement that dismissal had been agreed on.

Representative Perlman’s election was contested by Dr. W. I. Sirovich. Two weeks ago Dr. Sirovich, in addition to contesting the election, made application for a reopening of the case. This was voted down by the committee. Representative Colton expects to file a report for the committee within the next few days.

The kitchen of a temple of the moon goddess, Xin-Gal, at Ur-of-the-Chaldees in Mesopotamia, with pots, clay pans and other cooking utensils just as they were left in 2068 B.C., when King Samsu-iluna of Babylon captured the city and burned the temple, has been unearthed by the joint expedition of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania and the British Museum, Dr. George B. Gordon, director of the University Museum at Philadelphia, announced.

Another important discovery in the excavations at Ur reported yesterday was a statue of the goddess Bau, patroness of the poultry yard, a squat and solid figure who sits in an elaborately flounced dress on a throne supported by geese. Dating back more than 4,000 years, this is the only female figure of such early date ever found in Mesopotamia.

The temple in which the kitchen was found, with the signs of a meal in preparation, is that of the moon goddess Nin-Gal. All during January more than 200 men were employed in digging and clearing away debris from the mound which covered the temple site.

“Now we have almost finished,” reported Major C. Leonard Wooley in his message to Dr. Gordon, “laying bare the really magnificent structure built originally in mud brick by Bursin, king of Ur, (in about 2220 B.C.), and rebuilt in fine burned brick 150 years later by Enanatum.”

A symbolic three act play, written by Deena Spivak Strauss, was produced at the Jewish Consumptives’ Reliel Sanatorium in Denver, Colo., on March 14.

The scenes are laid on the grounds and in the medical building, where characters symbolical of the growth, progress and spirit of the institution appeared. Twenty-six patients were included in the cast.

A large audience witnessed the performance.

Maxa Nordau, daughter of Dr. Max Nordau, will lecture on “Herzl and My Father,” tomorrow evening at Cooper Union Auditorium, New York. The lecture is under the auspices of the East Side Zionist District.

Further light may be shed on the Einstein theory of relativity next June as a result of photographs to be made in Sumatra, Dr. John A. Miller, head of the Swarthmore College Eclipse Expedition, said upon his arrival in Boston.

Dr. Miller, with other members of the expedition, returned from Sumatra. He brought with him fifty-one photographs of the eclipse of Jan. 14.

The cameras were left in Sumatra and in June, when the sun is farthest away from the spot it occupied this winter, some one will return to re-photograph the skies at night, taking in the stars included in the eclipse. If the Einstein theory that light rays are bent by large heavenly bodies is true. Dr. Miller said, the stars should occupy two different positions on the two sets of plates.


The Astoria Center of Israel, Astoria, L. I., was dedicated on Sunday afternoon. Rabbi Israel Goldstein, president of the Board of Jewish Ministers of New York City and Judge Frank F. Adel of Queens were among the speakers. A dedication banquet was held in the evening at which the campaign for membership and maintenance {SPAN}###{/SPAN} was launched. The dedication celebration continues through out the week.

The Jewish Educational Association and the Jewish Welfare Board of New York City have been instrumental in the development of this Jewish Community Center. The cost of the building and equipment is about $175,000.

Samuel A. Halperin is the Executive Director of the Center. Isaac Baer is President.

The Book of Job as dramatized from the Bible By Prof. Horace M. Kallen of the New School of Social Research, will be presented at the Free Synagogue House, 40 West 68th Street, New York, by a group of well known Broadway actors, headed by Sam Jafie, who has a leading part in “The Jazz Singer.” The play will be given afternoons and evenings, Sunday, April 11, and Sunday, April 18th, the proceeds to go to the United Palestine Appeal.

The prologue, epilogue and choruses have been arranged by Lou Sorin of the Provincetown Players and the Charles Frohman Co. Mr. Jaffe will portray “Job” and the other members of the cast include Nat Freyer, Howard Lang, of “The Jazz Singer,” Earl House and Ben D’Arlon of the Ben Greet Players.

Articles of incorporation of the Tri-City Jewish Charities have been filed in Davenport, Iowa.

The purpose of the corporation is to “provide a permanent and efficient method of collecting, administering and distributing funds for charitable purposes among Jewish people and institutions and such other individuals or organizations as the board of directors may from time to time determine; and to put into practical and efficient operation such a system of philanthropy and to use such methods for communal undertaking as may be expedient to elevate the moral social and intellectual condition of the Jewish people.”

E. P. Adler is president. Max Sosna is vice-president Ben Comenitz is secretary and Moritz Landauer is treasurer. Mrs. Ralph L. Hillman is superintendent of social service.

The new Jewish Community Center in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., was dedicated in the presence of 200 persons. Joseph S. Savotkin was chairman of the dedication committee.

The annual entertainment of the Israel Orphan Asylum will be held at the New Madison Square Garden on Saturday evening, March 20th. Judge Gustave Hartman, President and founder of this institution, will preside.

The patrons include Col. Michael Friedsam, Franklin Simen, Mrs. William Randolph Hearst, Louis Wiley, Congressman Ogden L. Mills. Senator Simon Guggenheim, C. C. Dula, Irving T. Bush, Charles Sabin, Mrs. John T. Pratt. A. D. Juillard, E. E. Sinclair, Charles D. Hilles, Charles H. Silver and Albert Blum.

Prominent stage and operatic stars will participate in the entertainment.

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