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News Brief

February 12, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

German Jewry is in a great dilemma. It does not know for which party to vote in the March 5th elections, declares an article by the famous novelist Jean Jerome Tharaud which appears in the “Paris Soir”.

Last July the Jews voted for the Gentre Party candidates because a Nazi-Centre coalition seemed most unlikely, he says.

The Jews were greatly disappointed following the negotiations for a coalition between the Nazis and the Centre, no longer regarding the Centre as a bulwark against the Nazis.

In their disappointment, according to the writer, the Jews turned toward the National Party led by Dr. Alfred Hugenberg because it appeared to be an irreconcilable enemy of the National Socialist Party. And again they miscalculated, it would appear from Dr. Hugenberg’s presence in the cabinet of Chancellor Adolf Hitler, the Nazi head.

Tharaud predicts that the Jews will in all probability vote for Dr. Hugenberg’s National Party, because it represents the interests of big business and finance, even though its head is now an ally of Hitler.

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