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German Jews, Dp’s, Allied Troops to Mark First Free Passover in Berlin Since 1932

April 15, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The last minute arrival in the past two days of several truckloads of Passover food assures that the local Jewish community, the Jews in DP camps in this area and American and Allied military personnel will be able to observe in traditional manner the first fully free Passover to be celebrated in this city since 1932, the year before the Nazis came to power.

Distribution of various foodstuffs started early this morning when more than ?,000 people lined up in front of a Joint Distribution Committee warehouse. It is expected that distribution will have to be continued through tomorrow, because many of the Berlin community’s 7,000 Jews have not yet been reached.

The community council was forced to abandon its plans for one huge communal order because no building large enough to accommodate all the Jews was available. Instead the community will hold small family seders, while in the DP camps both family and communal seders will be held. The largest group seder in the camps will be one sponsored by U.S. Army Chaplain Joseph Shubor for Allied civilian personnel.

In a pre-Passover ceremony today, Elfrieda Lamprecht, a former inmate of Oswiecim, was married to Emil Caro, 64. Caro, is a descendant of Joseph Caro, 16th century compiler of the Shulhan Arukn, Jewish ritual code.

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