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Greek Government Plans to Requisition Hospital Belonging to Salonika Jewish Community

March 9, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Greek Government has informed the Jewish community of Salonika that the Baron de Hirsch Jewish Hospital in that city will be requisitioned since the building has now been evacuated by British troops leaving Greece, it was disclosed here today.

The hospital–the largest in northern Greece–will, according to the government, be used as a general public hospital “and will admit all Greeks, consequently all Jews. In its communication to the Salonika Jewish community the Greek Government pointed out that the needs of the Jews in that city “no longer justify use of the hospital by the Jewish community alone since thousands of refugees flocking to Salonika have created great needs there.”

The Jews in Salonika have been using a well-equipped dispensary and clinic since the Baron de Hirsch Hospital was taken over by the British. The Jewish community planned to use the hospital as a shelter for needy Jewish families in Salonika. Efforts are now being made in Athens to prevent requisition of the hospital by the government.

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