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Hebrew University Launches $5, 000, 000- Drive for New Library Facilities

January 12, 1960
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The launching of a $5, 000, 000 campaign for the construction, equipment and expansion of the Hebrew University and National Library here was announced today by Dr. George S. Wise, chairman of the board of governors of the Hebrew University.

The library has, at present, about 1, 000, 000 volumes, scattered in seven separate structures. The new building, which is already under construction, will expand the library to 2, 000, 000 volumes, and will also include many manuscripts and the remains of libraries salvaged from European communities where these collections have survived wartime Nazi vandalism. In addition, the new library will contain microfilm and film divisions, and special sections for art and music, according to Dr. Wise.

(In New York, the American Friends of the Hebrew University announced that a new physics teaching building will be constructed on the Hebrew University’s main campus in Jerusalem, the gift of two Americans, Maurice and George Levin, of South Orange, New Jersey. The men, brothers, are active in many national and local philanthropic enterprises.)

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