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I ‘person Killed, 2 Injured by Bomb

February 5, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A powerful explosion in the Old City yesterday killed one Arab and severely injured two others. Police said the blast, which occurred at 6:45 p.m. local time only a few hundred feet from the Western Wall, was caused by the premature detonation of a bomb being assembled by terrorists. A massive round-up of suspects was conducted in the vicinity but most were released after questioning. Police said the house where the bomb exploded was in ruins.

Meanwhile, the United Nations announced yesterday that six soldiers attached to the United Nations Interim force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) were killed as a result of a clash with Palestinian terrorists who attempted to infiltrate a security zone last night. Two Fijian soldiers were killed and three were wounded in the skirmish Four Norwegian soldiers were killed shortly afterwards when their helicopter evacuating the wounded had a “technical failure” and crashed according to UN spokesman Rudolf Stajduhar.

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