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Invention of American Council for Judaism Hears Speakers Score Political Zionism

January 19, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Carrol Binder, formerly foreign editor of the Chicago Daily News and at present editorial editor of the Minneapolis Tribune, today told the fourth annual conference of the American Council for Judaism that the problem of Palestine “may have such serious complications for the United States that aimed non-Jewish Americans may be prejudiced against American Jaws individually and collectively and without regard to their position on Zionism.

“Such a development,” he added, “would be most unfortunate for the American ?ople as a whole as yell as for the Jews of America. Our peace and security will ?affer if Palestine becomes one of the incubators of World War III.”

Dr. Paul Hutchinson, editor of the Christian Century, told the 200 conference delegates tonight that political Zionism represents “a wrong turning point in the long history of Judaism. Even the most optimistic Zionist should begin to suspect ?at without a bloody, ruthless civil war, that sort of division (of Palestine) ?rawn in the U.K. report will never be carried through, that the Zionist state ?th its Arab population of more than 40 percent will never be established.”

Today’s sessions were devoted chiefly to reports on publications, educational, rabbinical and immigration matters and intra-organization questions. The conference will conclude tomorrow evening.

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