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Israel Free of Epidemics, Hadassah Director Reports; Sees Health Danger in Camps

Scoring what he called “scare reports about Israel,” Dr. Eli Davis, director of the Hadassah medical organization in Israel, said here today that “not a single epidemic has marred the general health record of the Jewish state, despite the influx of 300,000 destitute, starved and ill-treated immigrants, most of them from Arab lands.’ The only […]

October 31, 1949
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Scoring what he called “scare reports about Israel,” Dr. Eli Davis, director of the Hadassah medical organization in Israel, said here today that “not a single epidemic has marred the general health record of the Jewish state, despite the influx of 300,000 destitute, starved and ill-treated immigrants, most of them from Arab lands.’ The only real health hazard in Israel is in the reception camps where, because of a stupendously heavy oriental Jewish population, all of it immobilized by the housing shortage, Israel is falling heir to diseases indigenous not to itself, but to the whole Middle East.”

Dr. Davis reported these facts to a closed session, of the Hadassah national board and the medical reference board of Hadassah and the Hebrew University. A proposed expanded program of hospitalization, tuberculosis control and medical teaching was reviewed. Dr. Davis arrived in this country by air last week to attend a meeting of the American Public Health Association as a representative of Israel. He will address the 35th annual convention of Hadassah, which will be held in San Francisco, from Nov. 13-16.

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