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Israelis Welcome Gen. De Gaulle’s Victory in France’s Elections

March 7, 1967
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Official Israeli circles, refusing formally to comment on the results of yesterday’s French elections because they did not want to take a position on internal French affairs, showed satisfaction nevertheless, here, today, with the results of the balloting, which returned Gen. Charles de Gaulle to power.

The same circles were also gratified over what seemed to be a victory for the French Jewish statesman, former Premier Pierre Mendes-France, who appears now to have put himself into position for a political come-back after next Sunday’s run-off elections in his constituency of Grenoble.

Other political and public opinion, however, unrestrained by formalities, were outspoken today in voicing their satisfaction over the results in the French national balloting. Both evening newspapers — Maariv and Yedioth Achronoth — hailed the elections as an augury of the continuance of friendly Franco-Israeli relations in the future.

(In Paris, Le Monde, the influential daily newspaper, hailed today the Israeli newspaper reactions favoring the de Gaulle victory at the French polls yesterday. Le Monde endorsed the Israeli newspaper views, declaring that de Gaulle would be “good for France, the world and Israel” because de Gaulle “has many times given proof of his friendship to Israel.”)

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