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J.N.F. Cables $250,000 for New Land Purchases

While Zionist groups were planning demonstrations in protest against the Palestine land restriction ordinance, the Jewish National Fund of America today cabled $250,000 to Jerusalem, as a first remittance to be followed by others, to make possible conversion of “land immediately available into a foothold for homeless Jews.” The cable accompanying the remittance said that […]

March 1, 1940
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

While Zionist groups were planning demonstrations in protest against the Palestine land restriction ordinance, the Jewish National Fund of America today cabled $250,000 to Jerusalem, as a first remittance to be followed by others, to make possible conversion of “land immediately available into a foothold for homeless Jews.”

The cable accompanying the remittance said that it was intended as “an expression of our solidarity in this trying hour and confidence in the future of the Jewish National Home.” In making public the cable, Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the J.N.F., said further funds will be made available while the struggle against the restrictions continued.

Dr. Goldstein also made public a cable received from Menachem M. Ussishkin, world president of the J.N.F., in Jerusalem which said only: “Read Jeremiah Chapter 32, Verse 44.” This verse is as follows: “Men shall buy fields for money, and write it in deeds, and seal it and certify it by witnesses, in the land of Benjamin, and in the environs of Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, and in cities of the mountain, and in the cities of the lowlands, and in the cities of the south; for I will cause their captivity to return, saith the Lord.”

The J.N.F. board met tonight to consider further action regarding the Palestine ordinance. Last night the J.N.F. had joined the Emergency Committee on Palestine Affairs in protesting against the ordinance. The committee’s statement said that “the Jewish people will employ all the legitimate means at its disposal to combat the new restrictions, which are a violation of the letter and spirit of the Palestine mandate.”

The committee announced that a protest rally will be held on Monday evening, March 11, at the Hotel Astor. This Sunday evening Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the Jewish Agency, will speak at Symphony Hall, Boston, at a rally sponsored by all Zionist groups, and it is expected that the meeting, although scheduled for some time, will be turned into a protest against the ordinance.

The American Friends of a Jewish Palestine held a protest rally tonight at the Hotel McAlpin. The organization made public a statement sent to the League of Nations, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Colonial Secretary MacDonald and British Ambassador Lord Lothian, declaring that the land restrictions “can only be compared with the rape of Czechoslovakia and Poland.”

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