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Jerusalem Engineer Arrested on Charge of Insulting Regent Horthy

M. Arpad Tolnay, head engineer of the Jerusalem. Water Supply Works, who has come here on a visit to his parents, has been arrested on a charge of having made disrespectful remarks to Lieut. Szanto about Admiral Horthy, the Hungarian Regent, during a visit made to Jerusalem some time ago by the Lieutenant. M. Tolnay, […]

June 11, 1924
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

M. Arpad Tolnay, head engineer of the Jerusalem. Water Supply Works, who has come here on a visit to his parents, has been arrested on a charge of having made disrespectful remarks to Lieut. Szanto about Admiral Horthy, the Hungarian Regent, during a visit made to Jerusalem some time ago by the Lieutenant.

M. Tolnay, who was bought up today to be formally charged, protested to the judge against his arrest on the ground that he has applied for British naturalization, and that the High Commissioner for Palestine has assured him that his application has been granted. He declared also that he would refuse to be tried in Budapest for remarks alleged to have been made by him years ago in Jerusalem especially since he denies having made any remarks about Admiral Horthy personally, having confined himself to general statements on the political situation in Hungary at the time. The judge, however, has rejected M. Tolnay’s demand that he be released.

An appeal by Deputy Dr. Gyorky, the Socialist leader in the Parliament, acting as Tolnay’s counsel, that M. Tolnay should be released on a bail of five million kronen, and his papers should be held by the Court to prevent his being able to leave the country has also been dismissed.

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