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Jewish Agency Determined to Open World Zionist Congress on Aug. 7. Says Shertok

April 4, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Jewish Agency executive is determined that the World Zionist Congress will open on Aug. 7, regardless of what decisions concerning Palestine’s future may be issued in the interim, Moshe Shertok, chief of the Agency’s political department, said today.

High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham, speaking at the opening of a Government information office in Jaffa today, declared that whatever the verdict of the Anglo-American inquiry commission, the people of Palestine should keep in mind that it will have the weight of the world behind it. Whatever plan the committee produced would be based on the idea of future peace, he added.

Mr. Shertok today told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that he was greatly surprised at the statement by Rabbi Meir Berlin, Mirrachi leader, attacking him for allegedly telling the inquiry committee that the Arabs had as much right to Palestine as the Jews. “I am unaware that I ever made such a statement,” Shertok said, adding that Rabbi Berlin had congratulated him after he testified before the committee, and had not voiced any criticism.

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