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Jewish Armistice Talks Frustrated; Jaffa Mayor Told to Wait for Mufti Orders

Efforts to bring about a truce between Arabs and in the troubled boundary area between Jaffa and Tel Aviv were upset today by Palestine Arab Higher Executive, which insisted that the Arabs not begin negotiations for an armistice until they received the approval of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem who is now in Cairo attending a […]

December 11, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Efforts to bring about a truce between Arabs and in the troubled boundary area between Jaffa and Tel Aviv were upset today by Palestine Arab Higher Executive, which insisted that the Arabs not begin negotiations for an armistice until they received the approval of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem who is now in Cairo attending a meeting of the Arab League Council.

The first move in the truce negotiations was made by the Arab mayor of Jaffa who this morning asked Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv for talks leading to an ar## in the border area – scene of considerable bloodshed during the last ten. The Arab overtures followed urgent demands by many Arabs in Jaffa that the ## on Jewish quarters be ended.

While arrangements were being made for the two mayors to meet, the Higher ##ive telephoned orders to the Arab mayor not to enter into any negotiations be the ex-Mufti approved of such a move. The mayor was also told that the Executive as at that very moment telephoning the ex-Mufti. Since no reply has yet been the ex-Mufti, the arrangements remained suspended.

The present disturbances have been accompanied by a sharp increase in food in Arab markets, especially in Jerusalem. The price of bread in the Old City soared and is now four times higher than before the disturbances. There is also ##te shortage of dairy products, fruits and vegetables in the Arab sections of Jerusalem, while no such shortage is felt in the Jewish section of the city where is sold at the normal price.


High Commissioner Sir Alan G. Cunningham today issued a stern warning to Jews Arabs reminding them that the British are still responsible for the maintenance {SPAN}##ce{/SPAN} and order in Palestine. The warning said that the government will take se{SPAN}## measures if the disturbances continue.{/SPAN}The Irgun Zvai Leumi, dissident Jewish underground organization, which has been since the United Nations partition decision, tonight issued a new call to the {SPAN}##of{/SPAN} Palestine to embark on an "offensive war to foil British intrigues." The {SPAN}##{/SPAN} according to the Irgun proclamation, hope to force the Jews to exhaust {SPAN}##lves{/SPAN} by a prolonged defensive war, to prevent the Jews from receiving additional power and arms at this time, and to eventually face a large, well-organized force equipped with the most modern British weapons.

Meanwhile, armored cars sped today to the center of Haifa after two explosions, ## by machine gun and rifle fire, had shaken the city. Fires were started in

Eigteen Arab prisoners today escaped from the Acre prison, which the Irgun ## last May 4 to free some 250 Jewish and Arab inmates. The escapees sawed through the bars of their cell and scaled the jail wall with ropes. It was reported ## when the guards loosed shots at the fleeing Arabs they were in turn brought ## heavy small arms fire from three directions. Acre is an all-Arab town.

Later in the day 80 Jewish prisoners, all in the Jail, were removed from Acre ## Central Prison at Jerusalem. The transfer was reportedly carried out for security reasons."


Country-wide police searches for arms armong the Jewish population are still on. A Jewish Agency spokesman said that some of the British police officers aggravating the situation. He charged them with "paying off old scores." Documented reports of the conduct of certain police officers have been sent to the Palestine Government, he revealed.

Members of the Jewish security force today reported that they saw British Arab police officers set fire to Jewish houses in the Jaffa-Tel Aviv border zone and fire at anybody who attempted to extinguish the blaze. Others charged the British with the "wanton murder" of a Jewish youth, Gedalia Harari, who together with fourteen more Jews, was arrested near the border battleground. Five of the fifteen, including Harari, were released and told to leave the Manshieh police station. As ## left, a shot was fired by a member of a patrol which was assigned to escort ## to Tel Aviv, and Harari fell dead. The others escaped unharmed.

Six Jews, including one woman, were found dead this morning near the colony ## Gevulot, in the vicinity of the Arab city of Gaza. The six were members of a party which were tilling a field three miles from Gevulot. The seventh and last ## of the party escaped the Arab ambush and fled to a police station. It was reported that a police detachment hurrying to the scene of the murders was itself ##acked and one constable seriously wounded.

The Haganah today destroyed with explosives an Arab house at Karatiya, in the ##, from which shots had been fired for several days at a nearby Jewish settlement. Four Arabs died in the destruction of the sniper’s nest. Three Jews were killed by the snipers days ago.

A British constable was stabbed in the Old City by several Arabs who made off ## his rifle. The Tel Aviv municipal council issued a statement condemning yesterday’s attacks on British armored cars in Tel Aviv, which were presumably carried ## by the dissident groups. At the same time, the council urged inhabitants in the order districts not to leave their homes in a panic and not to spread rumors.

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