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Jewish Leaders Ask Probe of Groups Seeking to Limit Professional Students

“The report of the President’s Commission on ## Education will rank among the most forthright and constructive documents ever ##tted by a group of American educators,” Frank Goldman, national president of ## B’rith, and Justice Moir Steinbrink, chairman of its Anti-Defamation League, ##. They expressed confidence that “if the recommendations of the commission are ##tively […]

December 15, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

“The report of the President’s Commission on ## Education will rank among the most forthright and constructive documents ever ##tted by a group of American educators,” Frank Goldman, national president of ## B’rith, and Justice Moir Steinbrink, chairman of its Anti-Defamation League, ##. They expressed confidence that “if the recommendations of the commission are ##tively carried out, a better educated American people will be fully prepared ## their new world responsibilities in the atomic age.“The charge that some professional associations are abitrarily limiting the ##er of trainees for selfish purposes should be investigated by a Congressional committee or some other appropriate body,” the B’nai B’rith spokesmen stated. ##tages of workers in certain professional fields are imperiling the security, ##th, and general welfare of the nation. If any occupational groups are intent ## keeping promising young people out of their fields through monopolistic ##tices, the people should know about it.”

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